2018 Mission Trip
Gateway to Victory is planning a 2018 Mission Trip to the school. We would like all of you to reach out and let us know if any of you can be involved. The trip dates are November 1 - 16, 2018! We are hoping to take a team to fulfill our calling as Christ's disciples. This mission team will be going to spread the love of Christ through community outreach, working at the school resolve some maintenance issues, and building up the community. We need a group of all skills and ages to go out into Africa and spread Christ's word through our actions. Our children often feel forgotten and unloved, their guardians feel overburdened and hopeless, they don't have a support system, and evil lurks to keep them away from the good news of Christ. We can bring hope and change through a new way of living and thinking that comes through the power of Jesus! If you or a group of your friends can come serve with us we can assure you that it will be a powerful and life changing mission. Please click the link below and let us know you are interested and we will start communicating with you in more detail about the trip!
I want to be on the 2018 Mission Team.
John 20:21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."