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Many Kenyans have little to no ability to visit a doctor.  They live with unthinkable ailments and diseases.  There is a huge need in the community for qualified medical personnel to offer services and support for those that cannot afford health care.


Like all children, the orphans of Gateway enjoy sports.  Football (ie Soccer), Volleyball, Basketball, Running, Frisbee, and almost any other sport is an opportunity to let their guard down and just be children.  Come help our kids enjoy childhood.

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Work in the community to help families with the basic necessity of shelter.  Many of our orphans live in homes with leaking roofs, dirt floors, deteriorated mud walls, and other unthinkable situations.  Work hand in hand to be a change agent for one family.


There are many opportunities to teach and engage with the students of Gateway.  We teach subject such as Math, English, and science.  We also mentor on life skills and build their faith.  Help the children become educated and prepared for life.



Bring your lessons and teach children in the community.  They are eager to learn, impressionable, and are clearly God's precious children.


Many of the churches in the area are no more than tin sheds.  Giving to help improve these local churches can help bring more believers.  Build benches, paint, sound systems, lighting, instruments, or construct a whole new church building!



There are so many ways to serve.  We have had teams do everything from deliver beds to needy families, help wash childrens clothing, fix cars, take children on field trips, bring reading glasses to churches, etc.  If you have a plan and vision there are likely people in Kericho, Kenya that could use you!

Ready to Visit

If you are interested in joining our next trip please send us your contact

information and we will be in touch with upcoming dates

We can't wait to serve with you!

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