Why Support Gateway to Victory?
Gateway to Victory is one of the many Missions that have been started in the world to help others. In our case it is a mission to help orphaned children that may not have survived otherwise. With the help of our sponsors the school is able to provide food, education, and a working understanding of the Love of Christ.
Jesus commanded each of us in Matthew 28:19-20 saying “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Jesus not only tells us to GO but also tells us that He is with us. We are told he is dwelling in us through his Holy Spirit descending on us. Jesus commands us to be disciples to the world but also tells us that we are not doing this alone. He is there to lift us up, He gives us the time, provide the resources, provide the words, and simply provides all that is required to do His work. All He really asks is that we get up and follow the example He has set for us. He asks us to go out and be Disciples to all nations. As we all reach out through this Mission I want to encourage you to get involved. We need your full support as Missionaries and Disciples of Christ.
The Lord has given us Time to complete his work, Talents to do the work, Treasures to support the work, and a Temple in which to do the work. We must make the Time to impact the world around us. The world does not know Jesus without his disciples reaching out and teaching them. The Gateway to Victory Learning center is teaching the next generation of children in Africa to be humble and follow Christ. Through what we are teaching today, these children know the Love of Christ through each of you who support the school.
Each of us has been given a short amount of time while on the earth to do God's will. How are you spending your time? We are told to pray and seek God and he will show us the paths that lead to Him. Are we spending enough time in prayer seeking God's will for our lives? It is easy to waste large amounts our time doing things that are not useful or pleasing to God. Deliberately set aside time to follow the Mission that God has placed in your life.
The Lord also asks us to commit the talent that he has given us to supporting his Mission. I know that not everyone can go to Kenya but that does not mean that you cannot support the Missions of Jesus. Each of us has been gifted with talents. All of these talents can be used to bring glory to God. I challenge each of you to seek your talent in Prayer and use those talents for the glory of God. If any of you out there can donate your talents to this mission of supporting the Children of God (in Kenya) we would love to hear from you and can certainly use your help.
As you continue to support Gateway to Victory do not look at this as a financial burden. You are simply doing what Christ tells us to do. You are giving a small portion of the Treasures that God has entrusted to you to help support his Mission of spreading the Gospel. 1 Peter 4:10 tells us "Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God". We do not have any money or treasures. All things belong to God. He allows us to manage some of these resources. Are we looking at our finances and doing with them what God would have us do or do we find ourselves being a little selfish? I think we can all say that we are not doing as much as we could. For most of us it is a lack of trust. We don't really believe that if we give everything to God that he will take care of us. I am not suggesting to be financially irresponsible, but I do want to challenge every heart to do all we can to spread the Gospel of Love. Through each of you we are spreading this Love to these Children and beyond.
Finally, remember that your body is God's temple. Remember that God sends his Holy Spirit to dwell within each of us who have turned to him and have been baptised into his way. We are a living temple of God and we must carefully ensure that we are honoring rather than desecrating the temple that God has given us. We must provide a place for our spirit to worship God. Romans 12:1 says "Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship." We should be making ourselves physically pure, morally blameless, and fully acceptable to God.
In the end days we want to speak as John and say "I have glorified you on the earth by completing the work you gave me to do." (John 17:4) Thank you to all who are supporting this mission with all of your time, talents, treasures, and your temple. We need each of you and may the Love of Christ be with you!